We-Q for Teams is a simple and powerful diagnostic health check for teams. It significantly enhances team development and effectiveness in the following ways:
We-Q for Teams instantly makes the invisible things in teams visible. It provides visual maps and numerical data on 20 aspects of the team’s ability to get things done and to thrive including soft (cultural) and hard (organisational) issues. Clear user interface highlights fascinating and actionable insights into what is working well and what needs attention.
Efficient use of coach and team time
Quick and easy to complete with instantaneous results, enabling team time to be used efficiently and purposefully.
Actionable conversations
We-Q for Teams encourages teams to have actionable conversations to address the issues needed to take the team forward.
Trustworthy and accurate
Because the survey is anonymous, team members feel confident to give candid answers to sensitive questions. The level of honesty enables teams to tackle the big issues head on.
Simple and clear
We-Q for Teams does one key thing and does it very well. There’s no leadership theory ‘padding’ or positioning, just clear results.
We-Q for Teams is competitively priced and purchased online with a credit / debit card. We-Q can therefore become part of a regular team health check to monitor progress.
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