“Leaders must step up now and connect meaningfully with their people.  Leading with awareness, vulnerability, empathy, and compassion is vital to help your teams weather the crisis and can help set the stage for recovery.”

Re-imagining the Post Pandemic Organisation. McKinsey May 2020.

That’s a lot easier said than done!

Hopefully the drama and adrenaline rush have passed, and you’re now adjusting to the new normal of a dispersed team in a different world.

Nurturing team culture is a key responsibility for all leaders, so in the current extraordinary climate how do you support your team to fulfil their purpose and thrive?

Start by taking their pulse to make visible the invisible stuff of the team’s thoughts and feelings.

A quality online pulse check will look at all the key issues and rapidly deliver robust data. One that balances the human and pragmatic aspects of team culture.

The process needs to be anonymous and numerical, so you can reliably measure and identify what’s working, what needs attention, where there is alignment and where there is misalignment – after all, your sense of things might be way off.

Traditionally diagnostic surveys have been over complex and expensive but, thankfully, times have changed.

For dispersed teams the pulse check needs to be super simple to set up, access and complete, providing instant accessible insights.

Using a facilitator can be incredibly useful but they’re not always affordable or appropriate so you may need to self-facilitate.  Look for a survey that will support you addressing the challenges. 

At We-Q, using world class research, we’ve identified 20 key questions bundled under the 4 key dimensions of a really effective and healthy team culture:

Being Fully Myself =>  How we feel, develop and contribute in this team
How we Behave =>  The ways in which we work together
Getting Things Done =>  The infrastructure, resources and approach to our work
Doing the Right Thing =>  How we feel about the things that matter


For a successful DIY team culture check, we think you need a straight
forward report.   You also need a guide to facilitate powerful, action-oriented conversations that build psychological safety and enhance performance.

The We-Q handbook covers all the survey questions, along with suggested coaching interventions and exercises to address identified weaknesses.

Dive in and survey your team now. Go to https://we-q.com/buy-we-q/

Leading teams meaningfully in a post pandemic organisation starts with great data, valuable insights and an open heart.

Have a go!